Once again, as I anticipated they would, raw material prices remained flat for the month of July. And once again, resin suppliers are on board in August with the same 4-cent increase they’ve tried to push through over the past couple months. I can’t predict how the August increase attempt will pan out, but so far this summer it has been flat.
According to The Plastics Exchange,
“Spot commodity resin trading was again only about average. The quantity of completed transactions was off, but at least the volume per trade was larger than normal. Material availability for many resin grades continued to improve, largely due to spotty demand and the accumulation of unsold offers… As foreseen, July resin contracts rolled flat from June.”
After the sharp run-up of about 13% in raw materials pricing at the beginning of this year, the current price stability has been a welcome thing.
We’re experiencing strong volumes on our end and lead times are sometimes a challenge, but we’re staying on track in meeting customer needs on time.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call one of our customer service representatives at (800) 272-2634 or send us an email.