8 Benefits of Flexible Food Packaging

8 Benefits of Flexible Food Packaging

Benefits of Flexible Food Packaging

Flexible packaging is all the rage lately for businesses in the food packaging industry. After all, its non-rigid versatility checks off a lot of boxes on their must-have lists, from cost-effectiveness to brand reinforcement. There are many reasons why this type of food packaging is not only a favorite among purchasing managers, but consumers, too! Here are just a handful of benefits flexible packaging for food delivers:


01. Flexible Food Packaging is Environmentally-Friendly

Flexible packaging materials are designed to be reusable and recyclable. They require less energy and material to make than other options, minimizing waste and emissions. In addition, fewer trucks are needed to transport this type of packaging, which means less fuel is used and less air pollution is created.  


02. You Don’t Have to Sacrifice Durability

Flexible food packaging may be lightweight, but that doesn’t mean it’s not strong! The materials used are not only light and flexible, but also durable, and that means food is protected and kept safe — a high priority for everyone involved.


03. Flexible Food Packaging Extends Shelf Life

Because the materials used for flexible food packaging are so durable, they’re great at protecting products from outside contaminants, keeping food fresh, and allowing it to last longer. This is beneficial for suppliers and consumers alike!


04. Consumers Love It!

Lighter and less bulky than other options, flexible packaging makes food easy to carry, transport, and store. Plus, the packaging can be reused, which is not only convenient, but also provides a sense of environmental consciousness. This type of packaging is resealable, too, so food stays fresher longer than it typically would. Bonus for you: consumers are willing to pay more for all of the advantages flexible packaging offers!


05. Shipping and Transportation Costs are Reduced

Just as consumers like the convenient and easy aspects of flexible packaging, those in the food industry like that it makes for fast and easy shipping, too! And because this type of packaging is lighter and takes up less space than other options, shipping and transportation costs are reduced, including fuel and maintenance costs for transport vehicles.


06. You Can Enjoy Higher Efficiency and Lower Costs

Because of the simplified way in which flexible packaging for food is made, production can accommodate quick turnarounds while also saving on costs. For instance, the process of making poly bags, a popular flexible packaging option, entails just two steps: extruding the plastic, then cutting and sealing it to size in varying quantities. That means orders can be filled in less time and for less money than traditional packaging options.


07. Flexible Packaging for Food is Customizable

This type of packaging is great for printing on and showing off your brand in a way that consumers can quickly and easily recognize. You can get creative with your design as well, since the flexibility allows for any size or shape packaging and imagery to catch the eye of possible passing customers. 


08. Flexible Food Packaging is Every Purchasing Manager’s Dream!

When you’re searching for an economical solution that doesn’t skimp on quality, you just can’t beat flexible food packaging. As you can tell by all the other benefits listed above, it’s durable, versatile, customizable, sustainable, affordable, and definitely likeable! 

It wouldn’t be surprising if you’ve already decided this is the solution for you, but if this dream packaging has become a nightmare to get, don’t give up just yet. Small to mid-sized companies can often feel like a small fish in a big pond, not receiving the priority or quality packaging you need from large suppliers, but A-Pac Manufacturing has your back.

As a similar-sized company ourselves, we understand what you’re up against and will do everything we can to help. We offer custom, flexible food packaging poly bags with no minimum order and short lead times. We also provide custom printing to ensure your packages always reflect your brand and connect with your consumers. 

At A-Pac, we make it a priority to be a flexible food packaging supplier you can count on, delivering high-quality poly bags that fit your budget and solve exactly what you need, exactly when you need it. Give us a call at 800-272-2634 or connect with us online today. 



How to Choose the Right Poly Bag to fit your needs cta
5 Signs It’s Time for a New Poly Bag Supplier

5 Signs It’s Time for a New Poly Bag Supplier

If you’ve been working with the same poly bag supplier for a while, things may not be the same as when you placed your first order. Maybe they consistently make mistakes, deliver your order late, or never answer the phone. If things keep going wrong with your orders, you’ll need to consider switching to a new one. Let’s take a look at 5 key signs it’s time to start looking for a new poly bag supplier.

5 Signs It’s Time for a New Poly Bag Supplier

It can be hard to end a relationship with a poly bag supplier, but if you’ve noticed any of these signs, it might be time to do it anyway. You deserve better.

#1 Missing or Incomplete Orders

If you’re dealing with a poly bag supplier that makes mistakes with your order by shipping the incorrect quantity, you consistently notice flaws with the bag design or quality, or you have orders that are missing altogether, it’s time for a new poly bag supplier. A poly bag supplier that doesn’t work hard to exceed your expectations — or even meet your basic order specifications — can’t provide the quality product that you and your business need. It’s time to find one who can get it right the first time and every time.

The right poly bag supplier puts its customers first, and knows how to get the job done correctly and efficiently. They will design poly bags that best suit the needs of your business and craft them using the highest quality materials. Then, they’ll always double check the order details to make sure they ship exactly what you need, when you need it.

#2 Low Quality Products

If your poly bag supplier gives you sub-par products, don’t put up with it. If your poly bags don’t last, the plastic rips or tears, and the promised quality doesn’t match what you’re paying, it’s time to ditch your current supplier and find a new poly bag supplier that works with better quality materials, and designs products that actually hold up. 

The right poly bag supplier will take the time to understand what you need your poly bags to do — the tensile strength, durability, and functionality of the bags — and design the perfect bag type for you. Considering factors such as the type of material, bag thickness, custom branding, clarity, sustainability, and more, the right supplier will dial in all the features that matter to you, so you end up with a product perfectly suited for your needs.

#3 Rising Prices

If you’re tired of weeding out hidden fees and battling rising prices for the same poly bag order, it might be time to look for a new poly bag supplier. Some suppliers try to nickel and dime their customers by imposing minimum order amounts or asking them to increase their order amount or frequency, which isn’t putting their customers’ needs first. You shouldn’t have to haggle to get the poly bags you need at a reasonable price, just find the right poly bag supplier.

The right poly bag supplier will be transparent about pricing — so you understand the costs that go into your product and the value you’ll receive for your investment. There’s no reason to hide behind a pricing wall because the right poly bag supplier will let the quality of the product speak for itself. The price of your poly bag order will match the product value, timely delivery, and exceptional customer service.

#4 Complicated Ordering Process

If it feels like it’s consistently a struggle to place a new order every time you need more poly bags, it might be time for a new poly bag supplier. If your supplier can’t make the time to talk to you about your order, find a new one!

With the right poly bag supplier, ordering should be simple, even enjoyable. They will be able to navigate the ordering process to solve for your needs. They will always be reachable at any time to answer questions, talk over the details of your order, or receive feedback.

#5 Lacking Customer Service

If you have a problem with your order, do you have a poly bag supplier you trust to fix it? If you have a last minute request or a rush order, can you rely on them to help you out? If your poly bag supplier isn’t willing to go above and beyond to provide excellent service, or they simply can’t be bothered to help, it’s definitely time for a new poly bag supplier.

The right poly bag supplier understands that things can change quickly for your business. If you need to increase or adjust your order, your poly bag supplier should be ready to help you get what you need. They genuinely care about creating a product you’ll be excited about, and are always looking for opportunities to demonstrate their skill and problem solving abilities. If you’ve got a reliable poly bag supplier in your corner, you’re ready for just about anything that comes your way.

Choose the Right Poly Bag Supplier

You’ll know you’ve found the right poly bag supplier when they take the time to understand your product needs and specifications, get your order right and delivered to you on time, and make the process simple, straightforward and enjoyable. Finding the right poly bag supplier can even save you money, because you get a better product, of a quality you can trust to handle what you need it to.

Time for a new poly bag supplier? A-Pac Manufacturing is ready to help. We offer custom poly bags at no minimum order, and with a 2-3 week lead time. Let us know how we can help you.

How to Choose the Right Poly Bag to fit your needs cta

We Are an Essential Business

Yesterday the Governor of Michigan declared a statewide shutdown in an effort to slow the spread of COVID-19.

Because we serve many customers in the food and medical industry, A-Pac Manufacturing is considered an essential business and will maintain operations during this time.

While everyone who is able is already working from home, other employees will continue to work on site to keep our manufacturing operations running. We are doing everything possible to maintain a safe and healthy work environment for those employees.

If you have any questions at this time, please send us a message or call (800) 272-2634.

We wish you and all your loved ones health and safety during this unprecedented time.